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Jack's Story

Jack's journey began in a place where the circumstances were far from ideal. He was born into a family where his parents faced numerous challenges. From the very beginning, his mother, aware of the need for a peaceful environment, resorted to giving him an iPad to minimize the noise disturbances when he was just a month old. This unconventional solution aimed to provide Jack with a sense of calmness during his early stages of development.

Meanwhile, Jack's father toiled tirelessly in an old and poorly ventilated iron factory. The factory's harsh conditions had garnered attention from local news outlets, which reported on the alarming number of workers suffering from heatstroke or experiencing catastrophic accidents resulting in limb amputations. Despite enduring such hardships, Jack's father persisted, working diligently day after day, all for the meager compensation of just $2 per day. The paltry income strained their financial situation, making it impossible to pay off debts and plunging the family into the risk of bankruptcy.

As Jack grew older, his dependence on the iPad became more pronounced. He found solace in his digital companion, indulging in its captivating content throughout the day and even at bedtime. However, when he reached the age of three and finally embarked on his educational journey, the consequences of his prolonged screen time became evident. Jack struggled academically, unable to grasp even the simplest calculations like 1 + 1. Recognizing the detrimental effects of excessive screen exposure, Jack's concerned father suggested a break from electronic devices.

Unsurprisingly, Jack's initial reaction to this proposed change was met with tantrums and resistance towards his mother. His frustration escalated to the point where he impulsively broke his mother's cherished vase. In response, his mother, seeking to instill discipline, resorted to spanking. Unfortunately, even this disciplinary action failed to deter Jack from his insatiable desire for the iPad. Eventually, his mother, left with no alternative, felt compelled to share the situation with his father.

Upon learning of Jack's persistent defiance, his father decided on a strict course of action. He grounded Jack for three months and implemented a time-out routine to reinforce discipline. However, as fate would have it, when Jack turned five years old, his teacher delivered unwelcome news to his parents. Due to his academic struggles and developmental setbacks, Jack was deemed ineligible for primary school and was held back in kindergarten. This revelation shattered his father's already fragile mental state, leaving him burdened with regret and feelings of inadequacy as a parent.

Overwhelmed by despair, Jack's parents' relationship crumbled under the weight of their collective hardships. Tragically, consumed by his inner demons, Jack's father succumbed to the darkness and took his own life. The devastating loss shattered the family, leaving Jack's mother in inconsolable grief. Unable to cope with the pain and suffering, she felt there was no other way out and tragically ended her life by jumping off a nearby bridge.

Jack, now orphaned and burdened with the weight of profound loss, found himself in the care of an orphanage. The abrupt and heart-wrenching turn of events marked the beginning of a new chapter in Jack's life, one that would require immense resilience and the support of those around him.

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