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😁 characteristics you will need to play video games

in order for you to play video games, you must need cooperation and teamwork


if you wantto play games with your friends, you'll need to work and discuss togeter, this can be found out that in order to beat the game in groups, you might need it because in order beat the game faster and easier, however you would get a higher chance to get into a fight. so how to solve it, first method, ask them to stop fighting. second method, make sure you are good at the game. and finally, SOLVE THAT PROBLEM, that how you cooperate.


as ai mentioned, "work and discuss togeter", you might need more than that just to work as a team, players in your same team MUST not attack each other, or else it might cause an argument, second, perfecto tricks, if you discover a hacker flying on your server, use your perfect tricks... WITHOUT HECKS, so you don't cheat in your game and win easliy, and finally, set ypur players some tasks, if you wanted to win da game faster than the speed of sound, you must coorperate with each other.

thank q

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