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how video games affect relationship

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

Once upon a time, where is about to be lunar new year, There was a fat man who is addicted to video games all day, his name is johnatan and he has a brother, john. whenever he comes back from school, he plays video games insdead of doing his homework. and he always got bad grades. his dad always convince him to do their homework first

So, one day, he comes back home but he decided to play videogames, but his dad decided he has enough, so he throws away his console, and his computer so he'll neve play games again, but something worst appened, he decided to beat up his brother because he belivied he cursed him, so he was imediately kicked out of the house (he can come back in the morning)!

When he was oudside, he saw there was nobody there because he was living in a residential area, so he sits at the bench and watch the sun setting.

At night, he was very bored because he needs to stay outside for a very long time, so he secretly sneaks into the house, use a paperclip that he founded on the road qs a key to open the door, and go upstairs in order to take his dad's credit card. than he arrives at gamestop by driving his tesla (he knows how to drive?!), he asked to the cashier for a ps5 and he actually received it, but it cost $1969, so he uses his credit card and drove away with his ps5.

At the next morning, his father has found out that he has used $1969 dollars for a ps5, he asked he son angrily "DO YOU USES MY CREDIT CARD TO BUY A CONSOLE" he said "No , I DiDnT UsE yOur CrEdit CaRD" but his father has him spotted lying because he has the ps5, and he throws his ps5 right away and beat his son up!

johnatan was absolutely demolished and breaks down in tears and does all of the homework he missed.

moral of the story: do be like him

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